Lint: A soft material for dressing wounds.
Lint: A process of disposal, distance and denial.
My impetus to build this metaphoric body of work is to examine histories that are found in the traces of residue from shifting relationships.
When we are vulnerable, sentimentality is a prominent disposition and we can be drawn to the most insignificant things. Affection can be found in the intimate spaces of dust, fluff and decomposing plants. The personal provenance feeds our existential anxieties, which negates any utilitarian value. Although functionality is impaired from typical use, it is the emotional attachment that provides intimacy and symbolic importance.
Opportunities arise for us to dwell in sentimentality through sensory experiences where emotional attachment provides a solace for us to ponder the shifting values in our immediacy.
If we are to truly embrace our temporality, perhaps we can alter our patterns we have formed in our cluttered branded lives and value more a world beyond utility.